Juuso Autiosalo by juu.so

Hi, my name is Juuso. I have different hats for different roles in my life. I change the hats only in my mind so I always look pretty much like the picture below.

This page contains some basic information about me, more can be found by googling me.
You may also check out my professional bio.

Hat 1: Private person

Firstly, I am a private person who was born in Espoo, Finland, went to school in Hyvinkää and came back to Espoo to study at Aalto University. Today, I am an entrepreneurially minded researcher with a mission to turn the world into a better place with digital twins and open-source software.

Hat 2: Co-Founder of Twinbase Oy

I started Twinbase Oy with two fellow co-founders to commercialize the results of my doctoral dissertation Discovering the Digital Twin Web - From singular applications to a scalable network.
For more info, see our website.
For traces on my scientific background, see my Google Scholar profile.

Hat 3: Autiosalo Ltd entrepreneur

I am founder, CEO, and digital twin strategy wizard of Autiosalo Ltd, although this is mainly on hold as I concentrate my professional aspirations on Twinbase.

Contact info

I will have the private hat on when you reach me from these channels:
Phone: +358 400459526 (Signal, WhatsApp, phone)
Email: {firstname} at autiosalo dot fi

My personal feedback form
Profiles on other websites
Google Scholar
- Here you can find a convenient list of my academic publications and their citations. Google is kind enough to update the titles for me and it also gives links to openly accessible documents for most of the publications.
- Feel free to connect, you can mention that you found me on this website.
- See some of my programming activity here.
- I try to avoid using this as Facebook is employing strategies that neglect their users. (Waiting for Solid to become usable. See my current Solid Pod here.)
- I posted pictures of food here for a while. Isn't that how it's supposed to be used?
- To comply with Finnish fundraising regulations, I do not request for funds. You are free to give me a gift from your own initiative, which is fully legal and tax free for less than €5,000 in the course of 3 years for each individual donor.
Theme song:
Diggiloo Diggiley

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